A great day to celebrate Tyler and Jonathan (who flew back)!
Tyler Heyl receives PhD
Congrats to Tyler, who successfully defended his PhD! He will be off to Dow in Midland, MI in the next few weeks.
Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
Mitchell was named a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar! Press release here. Congrats to Mitchell and the group for all of their hard work!
NSF GRFP winners
Congrats to Justin and Nick, who were awarded NSF Fellowships! Best of luck to both of them in grad school.
Jonathan Chan receives PhD
A huge congrats to Jonathan, who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! He will soon head off to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a postdoc. Best of luck to him!
Materials Horizons paper
Congrats to Justin and Yusu for their paper in Materials Horizons! They describe a new method that can measure the bulk mechanical properties of thousands of samples at high-throughput.
Jonathan Receives DGRA Runner-up
Jonathan was runner-up for the Distinguished Graduate Researcher Award, selected by a panel of his peers. His presentation was well-received at the department retreat. Congratulations!
ACS PMSE Young Investigator
Mitchell was named a PMSE Young Investigator at the ACS meeting in Chicago, where he gave a talk. Congrats!
Nano Letters paper
Jonathan’s paper was recently published in Nano Letters. There is a lot of interesting information on chain orientation of polymers under different conditions. Congratulations!
Yusu Chen Receives PhD
Yusu has graduated! He played an instrumental role in getting the lab started, and is soon beginning work at Amyris. Congratulations and good luck, Yusu!